I've spent a week trying to figure out what this Administration actually does. And all I can figure out is what they don't do ...
The don't listen to polls, they don't do torture, they don't condone torture, they don't watch the news, they don't read, they don't play the blame game, they don't comment on ongoing investigations, they don't believe in global warming, they don't do metrics, they don't allow photos of flag draped coffins returning from Iraq, they don't attend funerals, they don't forge documents, they don't use chemical weapons such as white phosphorus or depleted uranium, they don't engage in extraordinary renditions, they don't sign or honor international treaties, they don't have secret (black ops) prisons in unnamed countries, they don't deport suspects to unnamed countries who engage in torture, they don't get their hands dirty, they don't do nuance and did I mention that they don't read?
Here's a list of my own personal don'ts: I don't understand how two Downing Street memos can go unnoticed. I don't understand how the mainstream media can be deemed so credible when they so obviously lie for those pouring the Kool-Aid and serving the frosted gingerbread snowflakes (cookies). I don't get why Medicare Part D is supposed to be a good thing when my prescriptions will actually cost me more than they do under the current system. I don't watch situation comedies on television and haven't since 9/11 and can't understand how anyone else can. I don't understand why my cost of living increase does not take into account rising energy and food costs and why no one gets it that the elderly and disabled are getting more and more desperate every year. (What part of "bend over" don't we get?) I don't understand why Americans aren't marching in the streets, torches blazing, and calling for heads to roll.
And I don't understand what would be so wrong about just admitting that we made a terrible blunder by invading Iraq, apologizing profusely, kicking out Halliburton, Bechtel, and all the other American and American off-shore contractors, giving however-many-billions of dollars are left after Bremmer, Allawi, Greed and Graft to the Iraqi people c/o a third party NGO to rebuild an infrastructure that was fragile, but working, prior to our invasion, and just leaving before anyone else dies.
But that's just me ...
16 years ago
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