Still waiting, with baited breath (what does that mean?), for more shoes to drop. Looks like Wilkerson is giving an insight into the workings of the Oval Office in the run-up to and the early days of the war (including the abuses at Abu Graib) while lawyers for Libby and Rove are busy pointing fingers in eachother's eyes. Why do I feel that this Administration is still back in the school yard?
Good posts at, including an interesting commentary by Ray McGovern. Worth checking out.
By the way, no posts from "River" (Baghdad Burning) since the day of the referendum. I check almost daily to know that she is well and am thrilled with anything she posts simply because I know another soul has made it through the night.
Hope to keep this updated with news and look forward to comments. Feel free to forward the link to like-minded souls. Much love.
16 years ago
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